Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Catching Crawdads

Last night for FHE we went over to Grandpa's pond to catch crawdads! We had a great time!

Getting the bait ready

We used hot dogs to lure the crawdads over so we could catch them (it didn't work to well but that's what we were told to use)

Waiting for the crawdads

Cute little Cade

Playing with the crawdads that we caught ( I think we caught 4-5)

Checking them out

Taking a closer look!
Cal wanted to take one home with us and said he wanted to take a bath with it. If it were up to daddy, a video clip of them taking a bath would be following this post, but fortunately mom is there to ruin the fun and take care of her babies-no baths with crawdads!


Lisa Henderson said...

Oh man a bath wtih a crawdad- OUCH!
I love the pic of Cade!

The Behunin Family Story said...

What a fun FHE. Your boys are so cute. But I will say that would have been funny!

The Dell Family said...

How fun is that? You guys are always to some fun off the wall things. I think I need to branch out a little bit and catch me some crawdads. Maybe I'll come up this month! Oh why do you call it Grandpa's pond?

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

This is what Cal was talking about! What a fun little daddy those boys have!

The Dell Family said...

When's Peach Days?

The Dell Family said...
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Jared and Tanya's Family said...

Some friends of our just last week told us of a place to go catch them. They say that they taste a lot like lobster. Go catch more and cook them up.

Amie said...

Hey guys, don't know if you remember me or not from 1st ward, but I tracked you down through Kendra's blog because I know you were friends with Kelsy and Jeff and I wanted to get in touch with them. (Nice, right?! And how are YOU doing by the way?!) Anyway, if you have a new email address for them I'd appreciate it.

Your boys are so cute!

Amie haroldsen

Rachelle said...

Hi Reeder family, I found you blog through Pam Dana's. Just wanted to let you know that I took a peek inside your life by reading your blog. Also, Thanks SO much for all your dedication to the Boys in our ward. Tyler thinks that Adrian is the greatest guy...