Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sitting next to Tadders

So Cal's new thing is making sure he is always sitting next to Cade. While we are eating, Cal will push his place mat over, get out of his chair and push it right next to Cade so they can sit together saying "I sit by Tadders" (Tadders is how Cal says "Caders" which is our nickname for Cade). The other day Cade was in his chair eating a snack and Cal was sitting at the bar coloring. I was in the other room and heard the chair moving across the floor (normally this is Cal moving the chair over to the door to unlock it so he can escape outside) I came into the kitchen and this is what I saw... I guess Cal wanted to Caders to sit next to him while he colored. Don't you love how Cade is under the bar?! Pretty cute!


Brett said...

That is to cute, and its nice to see Cal wearing a shirt.HAHA

The Dell Family said...

Kids do such funny things!

Jared and Tanya's Family said...

That is funny. Don't you just love how much siblings love each other. Best freinds!

Britt said...

I rather like the distressed look on Cade's face! Too cute! Your boys are getting so big so fast! Stop it!

The Behunin Family Story said...

So darn Cute. Danell what is up with the baseball border. I told you that your boys would love baseball, so you would learn to love it too. Poor Danell, you always thought baseball was so boring.