Thursday, September 18, 2008

Update on the Boys

I thought I would let you all know the latest happenings with the boys.

Cal is really into lining up all of his toys with wheels and calling it his train, he loves trains! Did I mention a few months ago at church when the sacrament was being passed, all was perfectly quiet, Cal stood up in his chair, cupped his hand around his mouth to make it louder and yelled "All Aboard!!!".
He is so proud of his train and the straight line he puts them in. He gets a little upset when Cade tries to play and ruins his straight line.Yes Casan, Cade must be taking after his brother, he has no shirt on! Cade had his 9 month check up the other day. I can't believe he is that old already. Anyways, he only gained one and a half ounces in 3 months, the Dr. was a little concerned she ended up weighing him 4 times on 3 different scales to make sure. (I had just nursed and fed him solids right before and he hadn't had a wet diaper, meaning he probably lost weight). He dropped to the 8th percentile for his weight. The Dr. decided to put him on some medication for his spit up. For those of you who have not have the privilege of holding this cute little boy, he spits up all the time to the point that people don't want to hold him because of it. After visiting us once, my brother in law told my sister he thought something was wrong with Cade because he spits up ALL the time. Well Brett, the doctor finally agrees with you and thinks there is something wrong also. We go back to the doctors in a month to get him weighed. I am not a fan of having him on medication so young. Hopefully he won't have to be on it too long.
Cade also just got his 1st tooth yesterday!
I love pictures like this, Cade sleeping with his little bum pushed up!


The Behunin Family Story said...

That is how I slept and watched TV and just sat around. But, I had an older brother who would come kick my butt. Cal always cracks me up, I love his train.

Jared and Tanya's Family said...

Poor Cade, been there done that with Kendra. No one wanted to hold her.

The Dell Family said...

That is so cute Cal lining up his trains. That's funny none of my kids have done that. It's also cute of Cade sticking his bump up in the air.