Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1st Day of Joy School

Today was Cal's 1st day of school. A friend of mine from our ward invited me to do joy school with her and 2 of her friends. There are 4 kids all together so about once a month they will all come to Cal's house and I will teach the lesson. Cal was pretty excited about the whole thing. I don't know if he actually understood that he was AT school I think that he thought it was just a play date at Hunter's house.He was totally into his backpack and school supplies. While at school he was a little obsessed with his glue stick. He learned all about the letter A and made some pretty cool crafts!
Cal and his friend Hunter listening to their teacher. Cal and his class coloring their "A" books. Next week is my turn I am teaching the letter B, let me know if you have any fun ideas!


The Behunin Family Story said...

I think that is so much fun. Let me know what I can do to help you.

The Dell Family said...

I love Cals slick hair, he looks like a big boy.

Jared and Tanya's Family said...

He looks so handsome there with his backpack. So cute. Have fun Cal.